Philodendron gloriousm pollinated 29/10/2021
Philodendron gloriosum form used in hybrid
Philodendron verrucosum making pollen
Philodendron gloriosum x verrucosum
Hybrid created at Decoflora Nursery Kuranda, Queensland, Australia
Philodendron gloriosum x verrucosum was created at Decoflora Nursery, Kuranda, Queensland, Australia. The P. gloriosum was pollinated on 29 October 2021 using fresh verrucosum pollen and seeds were collected on the 29 January 2022 so the time from pollination to harvest was exactly 3 months. This page will be updated as the hybrid matures.
Abaxial of verrucosum form used
Seed and fruit from gloriosum
gloriosum x verrucosum first germination under microscope
gloriosum seed size comparison
gloriosum x verrucosum seeds germinated
gloriosum x verrucosum showing first gloriosum characteristics
A nice seedling grown by Tirto in Melbourne his fast growth made us set up our own grow light area
gloriosum x verrucosum August 2022
Why we hybridise with verrucosum, the amazing colours
One of the best verrucosum hybrids - Philodendron Majestic
Jan 29 2023 gloriosum x verrucosum one year from harvested fruit
Nice colours on new leaves March 25 2023
Nice colours on new leaves March 25 2023
New leaf on our biggest seedling March 25 2023
More coming soon!