Philodendron seeds are super easy to clean this is the best way we have come up with. The fruit we are processing today was produced in our neighbours amazing garden @tropicgardenrevelations
A guide to how we clean Philodendron seeds
Cleaning Philodendron Seeds
The Philodendron fruit is ready when the spathe 'explodes' off revealing the berries that will smell ripe and feel soft.
We use a sieve the rough surface helps break up the fruit and the seeds fall thru to the bowl underneath.
You can see the fiberous middle and the individual berries
Pick out the big bits and wash under the tap to make sure you get all of the seeds off before composting.
Keep squashing and running water over the berries until you know there are no more berries left in the sieve.
Now fill the seed bowl up with water and as soon as the seed sink to the bottom pour the water down the sink with any floaty bits that took longer than the seeds to sink. We repeated this about 6 times.
Seeds are now ready to be planted out we use an eye dropper and plant them onto a coco peat substrate.